Status update March 2024

· team pico


Things are going well at We announced on hacker news and are excited about the overall feedback.

As a result, we had more users trying our services out and generating a ton of engagement.

Here's some quick stats as of today:

Since the pgs announcement we've been working hard at improving our services. Here's a diff of all our changes (4,858 additions and 1,119 deletions) to our main pico repo.

Over the last few months we have been constantly updating our docs and plan to keep that momentum going.

One of the more exciting things we have developed recently is an experimental UI built using Web Tunnels. This UI will allow users to manage their content, their account settings, and even view analytics on their blog and sites. We are very eager to get feedback on the UI because we see a future where this is the primary way users manage their content and account. I also recently published a video talking about web tunnels and the new UI, lemme know what you think.

You might be wondering, what's next?

We have a couple high level goals:

That's it for now, cya!

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