tuns.sh site analytics

· team pico

get usage analytics for any tuns site

We recently enabled the ability for automatic site usage analytics1 for tuns sites. With site usage analytics, we provide webmasters with the ability to see unique visitors, referers, top urls, and top 404 urls. It leverages the same analytics system we have for pages2 and prose3.

In order to see site usage analytics for tuns sites, you must have analytics enabled. Enabling analytics is easy, simply log into our pico TUI:

1ssh pico.sh
2# -> Settings
3# [tab] to Analytics enable/disable button
4# [enter]
5# voila!

Then after users have navigated to your tuns site, you can view the analytics from our TUI:

1ssh pico.sh
2# -> Analytics
4# [type] in input box: `stats`
5# (analytics output)...
7# [type] in input box: `site erock-site.tuns.sh`
8# (analytics output)...

impl #

I wanted to touch briefly on our implementation since it relates to another pico server, pipe4, which is our authenticated, networked *nix pipes service.

We created a pipe topic metric-drain where we send all site usage analytics info from our services (prose, pgs, and tuns). Then we have a function that subscribes to the metric-drain and adds the info to our analytics database.

There are plenty of other services that could enable us to have a distributed system for metrics aggregation, but pipe was surprisingly pleasant for this particular use case.

What's really nice is our observability over the metric drain. We now have a single channel where we can view all metrics being sent through our metric-drain:

1ssh pipe.pico.sh sub metric-drain

During development, it was very easy for us to test this system because we can just submit metrics through our topic:

1echo '{"host":"pico.sh", "path":"/tuns"}' | ssh pipe.pico.sh pub metric-drain

That's it!

Join our irc #pico.sh on libera or email us at hello@pico.sh.

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